Planting Requirements

Always call 811 prior to planting or digging! Sunshine 811 is a FREE service which will notify utility companies to mark their lines, pipes and cables near your work site to avoid underground facilities.

Mulching refers to organic or inorganic material that can be used in your garden or landscape in areas that are hard to maintain or prone to erosion.

Mulching has many benefits:

  • Reduces water loss due to evaporation
  • Prevents run-off and erosion
  • Reduces weeds
  • Moderates the soil temperature

Note that the edge of the mulch is beyond the edge of the canopy. This allows for the tree roots to expand without competition from turf roots. Turf roots are very competitive with tree roots. This competition can dramatically slow the rate of tree root growth into the landscape soil, and this can cause the tree to become unhealthy. Once the tree is established, the mulch area can shrink.

City of Coral Springs requires mulch at all times according to the city code.

  • Always place your plants 10% above the ground level.
  • Don’t add extra soil to the top of the root ball.
  • Make sure you allow enough room for the plant to grow up and wide.
  • Water until plant material is established.
  • Trees and palms should be planted at least 3’ away from structures and property lines to allow for proper growth.
  • All plant material should have mulch at all times.
  • Be sure to stake all new palms and trees for at least 3 – 6 months.
  • Proper staking is necessary to assure the tree palm grows straight.
  • Always remove staking after tree palm is established to avoid girdling of the trunk usually within 6 months from time of installation.
  • Always be sure to hire a licensed and insured tree care professional. In Broward County all tree trimmers must have a Broward County Tree Trimmers License. It is strongly recommended to hire a Certified Arborist.
  • No more than 25% of the foliage should be pruned in any growing season.
  • Clearance pruning should be 14’ above sidewalks and roadways.
  • Improper pruning is illegal and can create a Code violation and fines with the City of Coral Springs and Broward County.