Stormwater Assessment Information
To address and improve our City’s aging infrastructure and drainage systems, especially in commonly flooded communities, Coral Springs implemented a Stormwater program, which is funded by an annual assessment effective for Fiscal Year 2020 and will appear on the November 2019 tax bill. The Stormwater Assessment will apply to multi-family, commercial property, and private community homeowners at a varying rate structure. Assessments are not based on property value, rather at a rate of impervious area per parcel (estimated amount of runoff from the property).
Coral Springs unique terrain and proximity to the Everglades makes controlling Stormwater challenging and dangerous during heavy bouts of rain. When the General Obligation Bond for vital capital improvements was not approved by Coral Springs voters in March 2018, the City researched how other municipalities in Broward County are funding critical drainage improvements. Of the 31 cities in Broward, 17 municipalities implement a Stormwater Assessment for homeowners.
Funded through the assessment, the City will commission the preparation of a Stormwater Master Plan, which will evaluate drainage conditions in all neighborhoods and prioritize improvements. Unlike other capital projects for the City, 100% of your Stormwater Assessment must fund improvements to the City’s drainage infrastructure, its routine maintenance, and remaining in compliance with Water Quality Regulatory standards.
Stormwater Collection Program
The City of Coral Springs Stormwater Collection Program is intended to provide a dedicated funding source for recurring operational expenses and long-term improvements to the City’s drainage infrastructure. Even though sea levels rising may not pose an immediate threat, heavy rain during storms can cause flooding in the community. Flooding can disrupt transportation and can cause infrastructure damage to the community. The Stormwater Collection program can make improvements in the community to solve flooding issues.
A typical roadway must be protected by a municipality from flooding to ensure all travel lanes are passable to vehicles, particularly to emergency vehicles, during significant storm events. A typical roadway requires routine maintenance, litter collection, and street sweeping to remove any collected sediment and debris, which are critical to managing Stormwater runoff and prevention of street flooding.
The Stormwater Collection program will benefit all residents in the community. The stormwater program will add storm drains in low lying areas where ponding occurs, to improve drainage in the community. Additional funding will also be allocated for the cleaning and maintenance of storm drains. The City’s drainage infrastructure connects to, and conveys the stormwater, to the independent Drainage districts, not affiliated with the City. The Stormwater Program is going to improve drainage in all the public roads in the community.
- Stormwater effects all regions of the community. All residents will benefit from this stormwater program.
- The Stormwater will add storm drains in low lying areas where ponding occurs, which will improve drainage in the community.
- Additional funding will also be allocated for the cleaning and maintenance of storm drains.
- The City drainage infrastructure connects to, and conveys the stormwater, to the independent Drainage districts, not affiliated with the City.