Vacation Rental Checklist

An inspection of the dwelling unit for compliance with the Coral Springs Land Development Code, Section 250160 – Vacation Rentals, is required prior to issuance of an initial vacation rental certificate of compliance. If violations are found, all violations must be corrected and re-inspected prior to issuance of the initial vacation rental certificate of compliance as provided herein.

No Advertisement/Rental is permitted prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance.


Step 1.Roof, Gutters, Exterior Walls and Fences

All exterior surfaces shall be kept free of faded or chipped paint and shall be maintained in good repair and good condition to prevent deterioration. (Should any exterior surface require painting, the paint color must be approved by the department of community development pursuant to the architectural guidelines and the painting must be completed within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of issuance of the approved paint color application. When the color white is used for painting perimeter walls and fences, a paint color application is not required.)

Step 2.Driveway, Walkways, Pool Deck

All surfaces shall be kept in good repair and good condition to prevent deterioration.

Step 3.Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Safety

A swimming pool, spa or hot tub shall comply with the current standards of the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act, Chapter 515, Florida Statutes and shall be maintained to ensure the disinfection of all pool water pursuant to applicable health standards under state law and county ordinance.

Step 4.Landscaping

Must meet the minimum landscape requirements and shall be maintained in a good condition to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance at least equal to the original installation and shall be mowed or trimmed in a manner and at a frequency so as not to detract from the appearance of the general area. Landscaping shall be maintained to minimize property damage and public safety hazards, including removal of living, dead or decaying plant material, removal of low hanging branches and those obstructing street lighting and maintenance of sight distance standards.

Step 5.Parking

All vehicles associated with the vacation rental must be parked within a driveway located on the subject property and in compliance with the Code.

Step 6.Solid Waste Handling & Containment

Appropriate screening and storage requirements for solid waste containers as required by the Code and LDC shall apply. For purposes of this section, a solid waste and/or recycling container shall not be placed at curbside before 7:00 p.m. of the day prior to solid waste pickup, and the solid waste container shall be removed from curbside before 7:00 p.m. of the day of pickup.


All dwelling units shall meet the minimum requirements of the Florida Building Code.

Step 1.Smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detection and notification system.

A smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detection and notification system within the vacation rental unit interconnected, hard-wired, and receiving primary power from the building wiring. The smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detection and notification system shall be installed and continually maintained consistent with the requirements of Section R314, Smoke Alarms and Section R315, Carbon Monoxide Alarms, of the Florida Building Code - Residential. 

Step 2.Fire extinguisher

A portable, multi-purpose dry chemical 2A:10B:C fire extinguisher shall be installed, inspected and maintained in accordance with NFPA 10 on each floor/level of the unit. The extinguisher(s) shall be installed on the wall in an open common area or in an enclosed space with appropriate markings visibly showing the location. 

Step 3.Noise Control

Each Vacation Rental shall contain a noise sensing device capable of notifying the responsible party when the noise level from the vacation rental exceeds the allowable limits of the Code. Between the hours of 7 a.m. – 10 p.m., the sound level should not exceed 55 dBA, and from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., they should not exceed 50 dBA.

Step 4.Local Telephone Service

At least one (1) landline telephone with the ability to call 911 shall be available in the main level common area in the vacation rental.

Step 5.Minimum Vacation Rental Lessee Information – Posted/Located by Front Door

  • A statement advising the occupant of the City's noise ordinance provided for in Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances.
  • A sketch or photograph of the location of the off-street parking spaces.
  • The days and times of trash pickup.
  • The name and location of the nearest hospital.
  • The City's non-emergency police phone number, 954-344-1800.
  • Building Evacuation Map: A legible copy at a minimum size of 8 ½ inches by 11 inches MUST BE POSTED, next to the interior door of each bedroom.
  • Trespass Barring Agreement(PDF, 225KB) : A copy at a minimum size of 8 ½ inches by 11 inches Will be posted next to the front door(interior).
  • A certificate of compliance shall be posted on the back of or next to the interior of the main entrance door and shall include the name, address and phone number of the responsible party (owner or property manager), the maximum occupancy of the vacation rental, and a statement stating "it is unlawful for a sexual offender or sexual predator to occupy this residence" if so determined pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Code.

A vacation rental unit must be properly maintained in accordance with the vacation rental standards herein and will be re-inspected annually. The applicant may submit an affidavit, in the form approved by the City, affirming the dwelling unit's continued compliance with this Section in lieu of a renewal re-inspection. For an inspection, all violations must be corrected and re-inspected within thirty (30) calendar days. Failure to correct such inspection deficiencies in the time-frames provided shall result in the suspension of the vacation rental certificate of compliance until such time as the violations are corrected and re-inspected.

The inspections shall be made by appointment with the vacation rental responsible party. If the inspector has made an appointment with the responsible party to complete an inspection, and the responsible party fails to admit the officer at the scheduled time, the owner shall be charged a "no show" fee in an amount to be determined by resolution of the City Commission to cover the inspection expense incurred by the city.

If the inspector(s) is denied admittance by the vacation rental responsible party or if the inspector fails in at least three (3) attempts to complete an initial or subsequent inspection of the rental unit, the inspector(s) shall provide notice of failure of inspection to the owner at the address shown on the existing vacation rental certificate of compliance or the application for vacation rental.

  1. For an initial inspection, the notice of failure of inspection results in the certificate of compliance not being issued; the vacation rental is not permitted to operate without a valid certificate of compliance.
  2. For a subsequent inspection, the notice of failure of inspection is considered a violation and is subject to enforcement remedies as provided herein.