Public Comment Form

Our regularly scheduled City Commission meetings welcome public comments.

Those who wish to give public comments must submit a request in writing no later than the day/evening of the City Commission.

If the speaker plans to present handouts or other information to the commission, please have the materials organized and hand the applicable materials to the City Clerk.

Public Comment Procedure

  • The Mayor will recognize public commenter(s).
  • Public commenter(s) will state their name and address. If the public commenter is representing a group or organization, it should be addressed at this time. *If speaker is underage of 18, please do not state an address.
  • Public comment is limited to three minutes per individual.
  • The yellow light on the timer at the podium indicates that the speaker has 30 seconds or less to conclude comments.  
  • In light of time constraints, if a previous speaker has already made your point, we ask you to simply make a statement such as "I concur with the remarks of the previous speaker."
  • The purpose of the public comments portion of the agenda is to hear from citizens as opposed to making an on-the-spot decision regarding your concerns.  Speakers should not expect a reply or answer from the commission.  

Public Comment Form

Public Comment (Coral Springs Municipal Code, Chapter 2, Article I, Sec. 2-2):

The City Commission of the City of Coral Springs, at each regularly scheduled meeting (first and third Wednesdays), shall entertain public comment. Anyone desiring to address the City Commission must submit a written request to the City Clerk. Public comments will be held in the priority order in which they are received. Each request shall succinctly detail the matter to be brought before the City Commission; shall contain the address and phone number where the speaker can be reached if the need arises; and shall be dated and signed.

Items on the agenda which are not designed as Public Hearings must be discussed during the public comment period. Waiver of rules. By majority vote, the City Commission may invite public discussion on any agenda item and thereby waive the proscriptions otherwise outlined in this section.

Decorum to be maintained. In every case where a speaker is recognized by the Mayor to discuss an agenda item, speaker shall step to the podium, state their name and address for the benefit of the City Clerk, and identify any group or organization speaker represents. Speaker shall then succinctly state their position regarding the item before the City Commission. Order shall be maintained at each City Commission meeting and the Mayor is hereby empowered to order from the room anyone who refuses to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in this section. The Police Chief or his authorized agent in attendance at the meeting shall carry out the order of the Mayor in this regard.

Time limit on discussion. Subject to waiver rule contained within this section, public discussion by individual speakers shall be limited to three (3) minutes at the public comment period.