Home Based Business

Every home-based business in Coral Springs needs a license renewed annually. If you are an employee of a business that is not located at your home, and work from home as an employee, a business tax receipt is not required.


 Home-based businesses must meet the following requirements:

  • Home-based businesses are generally offices only. Exceptions are businesses that provide consultation with one individual at a time or provide instruction to one person at a time; group instruction is not permitted. Family day care homes are permitted.
  • Retail sales, manufacturing, or display of merchandise are not permitted at a home-based business.
  • Parking of commercial vehicles at the home is not permitted.
  • The home-based business should not generate excessive traffic or noise or create other disturbances.
  • The home occupation can occupy no more than 25% of the area of the dwelling.
  • Employees or independent contractors of the business are not permitted at the dwelling.
  • The city has the right to inspect the home-based business at reasonable times to investigate complaints.

Application Process

Step 1.Apply for your local business tax

You will need the following information for the application process:

  • Business Tax Application(PDF, 171KB)
  • Articles of Incorporation, if applicable
  • State professional license or county certificate of competency or license, if required by your specific occupation. 

Step 2.Submit your application

  • Scan and e-mail to csbusinesstax@coralsprings.gov or mail to 9500 W. Sample Road, Attn: Business Tax, Coral Springs, FL 33065
  • Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the city. Once approved, you will be sent an invoice for the tax amount, along with payment instructions.

Step 3.Pay the invoice

  • Your local business tax receipt will be issued after payment and you can begin operating your business. The tax rate for a home-based business is $153.14 for fiscal year 2023.
  • Renewal payments are due September 30 of each year. Home-based business tax rate is $153.14 for fiscal year 2023.