File and Description Naming Requirements

Please read carefully. These guidelines are mandatory. Your plans will not be reviewed if the following guidelines are not met.

Standards for all Electronic Plans

  • PDF only documents will be accepted.
  • Do not use special characters such as commas, # signs or other symbols in your file names.
  • PDF files must be one layer (flattened) without any embedded objects.
  • PDF files cannot be encrypted, locked or password protected.
  • Documents should be scanned at no greater than 300 dpi.
  • Adobe Portfolio PDF types are not accepted.
  • The total upload for the plan set should not exceed 6 GB.

Standards for Initial Document Upload

  1. Applications, NOA’s, NOC’s and Calculations must be submitted as separate PDFs.
  2. Documents, Plans and/or Drawing Sheets must be named after the type of data it represents then saved and submitted as separate PDF’s. (e.g. Building Permit Application, Structural Plans, Architectural Plans, Mechanical Plans, Electrical Plans, Plumbing Plans, etc.)
  3. Files must be named as per the example below.
  4. The first page of each plan set must be signed digitally by the Professional of Record (See Digital Signature section).
  5. In the Description Field enter “Initial Submittal” for all documents uploaded during the initial document submittal.

Building File and Name Requirements document upload

Files Names for An Initial Upload of Documents
Document Name Description Field Name
Building Permit Application(s) Initial Submittal
General Initial Submittal
Demolition Initial Submittal
Civil Initial Submittal
Landscape Initial Submittal
Site Initial Submittal
Life Safety Initial Submittal
Architectural Plans Initial Submittal
Interior Design Initial Submittal
Structural Plans Initial Submittal
Mechanical Plans Initial Submittal
Plumbing Plans Initial Submittal
Fire Protection Initial Submittal
Electrical Plans Initial Submittal
Equipment Initial Submittal

(Corrections) Changes to Permit Documents During the Review Process

Note: Plans will be rejected without an errata sheet, narrative, or a Correction/Revision form.

  1. Upload a separate narrative (errata sheet) addressing each correction by sheet number.
  2. Single sheets will not be accepted. A complete plan set must be uploaded.
  3. Verify that all changes are clouded on the plans with a revision delta and the revision recorded in the revision block.
  4. The corrected set must have the same name as the original file. Our E-Plan Software will automatically add a revision number to the end of the file name.
  5. In the Description Field enter “Correction”.
File Names for Corrected Documents While in Review
Document Name Description Field Name
Architectural Correction
Architectural-Narrative Narrative
Fire Protection Correction
Fire Protection-Narrative Narrative

(Revisions) Changes Made After the Permit Is Issued

Note: Plans will be rejected without an errata sheet, narrative, or a Correction/Revision form.

  1. Upload a separate narrative (errata sheet) addressing each revision by sheet number.
  2. The entire discipline file set should be uploaded, single sheets will not be accepted.
  3. Verify that all changes are clouded on the plans with a revision delta and the revision recorded in the revision block.
  4. The revised set must have the same name as the original file. Our E-Plan Software will automatically add a revision number to the end of the file name.
  5. In the Description Field enter “Revision”.
Example File Names for Revised Documents After Permit Is Issued
Document Name Description Field Name
Structural Revision
Structural-Narrative Narrative
Structural Calcs Revision
Structural Calcs-Narrative Narrative

Digital Signature (Plans requiring a design professional per FBC 107.3.4)

The first page of each plan set must have a valid digital or electronic signature by the Professional of Record in accordance with their Certification Board and the State of Florida.

A third-party certificate authority must be used to obtain your Digital Signature.

Example of Digital Signature authorities:

  • IdenTrust
  • Cosign
  • GlobalSign
  • Entrust Class 3
  • IGC CAL Certification