City Clerk


Georgia Elliott is the City Clerk for the City of Coral Springs. She oversees the Office of the City Clerk. She is responsible for managing municipal elections, fulfilling public records requests, ensuring the public is properly notified about public meetings, and attending City Commission meetings.

Joining the city in 2014, Elliott first served as a Principal Office Assistant for the Office of the City Clerk. She was then promoted to Records Management Coordinator in 2016 and again to Assistant City Clerk in 2020. Elliott also took part in the city’s Leadership Development Program. Before joining the city, Elliott served in various roles in higher education.

Elliott holds several professional certifications, including IIMC Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) and Florida Certified Records Manager (FCRM), and is a Florida Public Notary. Elliott received her bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida and has been a resident of Coral Springs since 1997.

Elliott is also involved in the Florida Records Management Association, Broward County Municipal Clerks Association, and the Florida Association of City Clerks.

The Office of the City Clerk provides services that include administering city elections, maintaining all official city documents, maintaining city board and committee appointments, preparing agendas and minutes for City Commission meetings, providing notifications of public hearings, responding to public records requests, and retaining ordinances and resolutions.